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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Good Conscience Vs Bad Conscience

When it comes to choosing something that could either be good or bad, you conscience is usually there to back up your choices. What you are comfortable with depends on what you can live with.


Today, I had one of those moments.

A couple of weeks ago, I gave up my beloved cookies. I’ve become quite adept to making them. So delicious these cookies are that I eat 30 cookies in at least three days. Well, in a moment of weakness and stress, I ventured out into the cold, with baby, just to buy butter, eggs, and baking soda. I thought, “It’s not cheating if I just buy the ingredients. I’ll just bring the stuff home and that will be it.”
Once I returned home, the ingredients sat in my fridge and pantry. I must have turned the idea of cookies over and over in my mind at least a million times. Here I am writing my book when all of a sudden cookies pop into my head. I don’t know what it is about anything zombies, but I always get hungry. It was a mistake writing a zombie thriller this month. Finally, after writing out a scene with more zombies in it, I gave in. 
“The ingredients are here, I might as well bake some cookies. I’ll just use them as incentive to write more later,” I thought.
Three batches of chewy chocolate chip cookies later, the apartment smells fantastic and one cookie has already made its way into my mouth. (I have no idea how it got there)


Looks like my “bad” conscience got the best of me this time.

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