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Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Tonight's the night for Trick or Treating!! 

Or if you'd prefer, much like I do, stay in and make some tasty food, watch a scary movie and then finish the night with some zombie killing!! Tonight's an L4D2 kind of night! :D

Just a little something to get into the spirit, here's a site full of ghost stories!

Happy Halloween! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Frankenstein-Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley

When it comes to classic writing, sometimes we find ourselves staring at a page full of words that are hardly used in everyday communication. But, when we really start looking at the words, they form together to create such a beautiful and intricate scene, the words slowly form off the page and paint the picture from the author's mind.

In Frankentein, the author Mary Shelley, uses a descriptive vocabulary within the first few paragraphs (and throughout, obviously, lol) to convey imagery and mood. We are immediately immersed in London as a letter is being written to a Margaret Saville. Her brother writes to her about his journey thus far in venturing north saying, " I walk the streets of Petersburgh, I feel a cold northern breeze play upon my cheeks, which braces my nerves and fills me with delight. Do you understand this feeling? This breeze, which has traveled from the regions toward which I am advancing, gives me a foretaste of those icy climes." I don't know if it is because it is actually getting colder in Montreal...we are expecting snow next week, but I imagine myself in his position. I can feel the cold breeze and even breath it in. 

Well, that is just a taste of Frankenstein and if you want to read further more of the story, you can find it here: Frankenstein-Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley <-- check it out, it's a treat for the mind as well as food for thought! 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Horror Movie Daycare

HA!! I wouldn't step foot in this daycare...especially with Samara... she scares the crap out of me!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Scare Week[s] Day 4 - A Tale of Two Sisters

I am a hugely afraid of watching scary movies but there are some that I will watch over and over again. It just so happens that a lot of the time, my favorite horror films are Japanese or Korean! At the top of that list comes "A Tale of Two Sisters".

This story follows two sisters that return home from a mental institution and immediately there is tension between them and the step-mother. Accompanied with a beautiful soundtrack and wonderful storytelling, "A Tale of Two Sisters" is frightening but also thought provoking and tragic. 

Anyway, enjoy the film and Happy Halloween! xD

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Gaki No Tsukai!! Scare Week[s] Day 3

Okay, so it's not really scary unless you're afraid of men in nurses outfits! However, there is a part where the comedians must go into the hospital at night that happens to be scary....for them! lol

Anyway, check it out and have a good laugh! xD

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Scare Week[s]: Day 2!

I was looking back on my old posts on Facebook from last year and came across this video. It's an advertisement for tires that my brother had shared. At the time, I remember thinking that maybe it was one of his music videos... I was wrong.

Give it a watch and happy Scare Week! lol *I just looked at the calendar and noticed that I'm celebrating a little too early. Ah well, we'll do another scare week next weak!* xD

Monday, October 20, 2014

Improvisation #11 - Sorrow

As you may already know, I am a huge fan of the piano! It's complexity is known to require a high level of dexterity and yet this young fellow has taken this complex instrument, and played a beautiful melody with mainly one hand. It just goes to show that when you put your mind to a task, you can complete it if you just stay strong. In today's society, we are often cruelly judgmental of people and if they display any weakness, whether it be the loss of a limb or mentality just doesn't match what we call "smarts", then we take it upon ourselves to look at that person differently. But, if you do that, you will most likely fail to see the story behind that person's life, or the abilities that they can offer the world. Appearance isn't always everything.

As quoted from Galaxy Quest - "Never give up, never surrender!", I usually find myself repeating this line, even though the movie was somewhat ridiculous, this line has offered me the right mantra to get through some difficult times.

I hope you enjoy this video, and always remember that you need to work hard to achieve your dreams! Good luck, bonne chance!

The Evil Within: Headless Glitch (Sleepy Hollow?)

I've been away too long! SORRY!!!! I fell behind on my videos so to bide some time I'm sharing this interesting look into "The Evil Within". Despite being too horrified to play the actual game (and too poor to purchase it, as well as lack of hard drive space) I was curious enough to at least check out this glitch! It's an eye opener and my morning's coffee spewed everywhere as I laughed heartily, a long time needed. Happy Monday, and it's scare week as Halloween fast approaches! :P

Monday, October 6, 2014

Batman Evolution - ThePianoGuys

I still can't believe that Batman has been around since the 60's! He's a very well fit old geezer! I was exposed to Batman by my mother when she would turn on the television Saturday mornings. It was a ritual...or maybe it was just to keep me preoccupied, either way, Batman is my hero! Anyway, check out this video by The PianoGuys who do a compilation of the evolution of Batman Music starting for the old television series!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Alan Wake P11

Guess what day it is~????? It's FRIDAY!! Woot! And with Friday comes my weekly game play video! This week, Alan Wake begins to uncover the truth about Alice and her captors, and I try desperately to get my screaming under control! The video is a little longer than normal but there was so much story to include.

As always, enjoy, like, comment, share, and have a fantastic weekend! Thanks for watching! 

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