Gummy Counter

Friday, June 20, 2014

Can't Stop Drawing!

 Aha! Finally getting into the groove of drawing even if it takes me about half of the day to find the right inspiration!!!

Obviously there are so many things I still need to work on such as, hands, feet, and proper proportions. However, with lots more practice, I am determined to get better.

I'm really looking forward to creating more challenging drawings with more expressive poses and such....Ideally, I'd like to draw video game characters next! We'll see where my skills take me! :D

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Portal 2 Co-op "The First Stages"

What is a better way to spend a birthday than to play Portal 2? This game reminds my of the delicious looking cake Glados always promises Chell from the first game! In this video, my friend Baku and I, attempt to make portals while working together to beat the first stages....

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"I'm Not a Hipster!" GTA V Update 1.14

Ha! I'm always excited to see what Rockstar is going to do with GTA V Online! And it looks like they played to my girly fantasies with new clothes and a few new cars! 

Introducing the Smart Car look-a-like, Benefactor Panto~! LOL 

This has become my new favorite car, valued at $85 000, not because it's super fast...its speed is about average but the customization's are quite funny. I'm really looking forward to adding luggage to the top of this Panto eventually! he he

Truthfully, I have always wanted to see the Smart car make a debut in GTA and I'm quite satisfied with the end result! This cute little car surprisingly fits 2 people and can be customized to have bumper stickers over the body of the entire thing. Despite being small and a hell of a lot slower than my Zentorno or even my Coquette I think it has its own unique charms. 

I laugh every time I'm driving down the road and I'm overshadowed by a Mammoth! It's nice being small because you can squeeze your way into small alleys that is normally only used by pedestrians!

Obviously there is more to this update than just this clown car but I have never laughed so much driving around Los Santos! I can't wait to add a Jazzy Horn, new bumpers, and a snazzy new spoiler, and maybe just to top it all off, I'll add some dollar sign rims to my wheels! xD

Other fun things included in this update are a new array of clothing for both genders, hairstyles, and weapons, plus some extra cars added to the online catalog! Woot woot! It's time to waste all my money....I'm so poor! :(

 All in all, the "I'm Not a Hipster!" update is Gummy Approved!

Monday, June 16, 2014

More drawings!

I'm really working hard on improving my drawing skills! Now attempting body proportions...they still look a little off but at least I'm trying! O.o

Clearly, I still need to work on hands and feet.... ugh...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Practice Drawings!

Hello world!

Sorry I have been away for a few days! Lately I've been struggling to find any inspiration, but today I realized that I haven't done a lot of drawings for many many years! So, here is what I've come up with. I'm not an artist but one should keep practicing, right?

So, I realize that the girl on the left - her eyes are too far apart...I still need to practice proper facial proportions and shading! HA! >.<

Hopefully, with a lot more practice I will be able to produce the actual image in my head!!! >:D

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Sims 3 Machinima - Pharrell Williams - Happy (+playlist)

I love Machinima and I love Sims! In honor of Friday, enjoy this video I found on YouTube! :P


I have fallen into my rut again...

It's a vicious cycle that consumes me, and I hate that, I'm the one who is supposed be consuming! 

My stomach roars for something yummy and extra greasy like KFC or poutine! Instead, mysteriously, I have managed to survive on crackers, water, and rabbit food (aka salad). It's not a terrible thing...I mean, the body needs proper nourishment but I feel like I'm going through a sort of greasy food withdrawal. At least I still have my coffee... boy, it will be an oncoming apocalypse if someone tries to take that away!!!

Whenever I sit down in front of my computer I always get the urge to eat something that's not within my cupboards or lingering on the shelves or drawers in my fridge. "Why don't you just go out and get it then?" A small voice in my head asks as innocently as possible. However, I know the real truth!!! "No, brain! My metabolism might be okay for now, but I need to practice eating more sensibly for when the day comes when anything I eat goes straight to the hips!" Those days are coming...

So, here are some of my own tips to eating snacks while gaming, or working away on your computer.

  1. When sitting for long periods of time, the best thing you can do is keep hydrated. Drink lots of water. Stay away from sugary drinks - this is the hardest thing to do, but if you don't buy it then it will make things easier in the long run. Also, over time, you'll come to dislike those soda pops and sweet sweet juices. This took me months to accomplish.
  2. Got a craving for chips? Try making a plate of grapes, cheese, and crackers. This always worked fine for first I would make really big plates because I have such a big appetite but after awhile, I became more satisfied with lesser quantities.
  3. Feel like something juicy and sweet? Eat strawberries or make a fruit smoothie! My favorite combination of fruits is strawberries, blueberries, banana, and maybe cherries (if there is a good sale on cherries, that is - those things are expensive!)
  4. Other snacks can be a simple veggie plate consisting of cucumber, carrots, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, and/or cauliflower. Just put a small amount of your favorite salad dressing (I happen to like Cesar) in a bowl and bam! 
  5. Another simple snack to have around would be any kind of nut or seed or just granola. Walnuts, almonds, peanuts, sunflowers seeds, whatever takes your fancy. I will just go to a bulk food store and stock up!
  6. I recently learned how to make sticky rice!! WEEE, sushi for moi!
Even though it's tough when you're just starting the switch from chips, pop, and sweet snacks, if you keep fighting the urge, eventually your body will begin to appreciate the extra nourishment. You'll soon find that you are less tired and more able to function.  Of course, I don't like to take pop, chips, and chocolate bars or skittles entirely out of my diet. I will incorporate them from time to time as a reward for finishing certain tasks.

Now...the next task on my agenda....learn how to make my own slushies! From gamer to gamer, good luck!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Gummy Plays "Ibb & Obb"

New game!! "Ibb & Obb" is a simple little puzzle game that takes on the essence of Portal 2's co-op. You play the super cute characters Ibb and Obb....and I still have yet to figure out who is who so I've been calling them Pinky and Brain! I hope you enjoy the video, and as always, thanks for watching!

"Ibb & Obb" can be purchased on Steam is definitely Gummy Approved!!! <3

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"Full of Life" Texture Pack for Minecraft

I'm loving Minecraft but as I have stated before, it is painful to look at sometimes! ha! 

Take this before picture of a castle (work in progress) and compare is to one where a texture pack is used.

You can see that the lines are smoother and less pixelated. Even the rain looks less cartoon-ish and still it retains the same block like signature!~

When it comes to playing this game, I love checking out sites, like Planet Minecraft, to see if there is a new texture pack to make my game look more interesting! In the photo above I am using a texture pack called "Full of Life" which adds a "realistic" feel and therefore satisfying my greedy for graphics eyes.

In previous videos and pictures featured on my blog and YouTube, I have always favored "CubCon's" texture pack but ever since discovering "Full of Life" with its bold colors and beautiful textures for all blocks, I am very pleased. The pack itself is still only 95% complete and I look forward to when everything becomes updated. 

So, I'll continue to piece all of the blocks together until I finish my first Castle and with this new texture pack, it's gonna look fantastic!! WEEE!!

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