Gummy Counter

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


After sitting in front of my computer screen for the month of November I have come to the conclusion that I am even more determined to write a quality story.  I have taken Rare Orchid, written out a plot line and have done some research.  Overall, I have worked hard to avoid temptations all around me, though sometimes failing.  It is safe to assume that I am still a newbie writer!

Grand Theft Auto 5 Online play "driving against a wall with a customized Coquette"

When you get lost in writing sometimes you literally get lost in a world where the only people you know are the characters you are writing about.  I have learned some techniques here and there but I have a long way to go.  The challenges of writing I encountered so far have been tough to overcome.  With one of my passions being in video games and the new releases of some pretty wicked games, my attentions have often been diverted to the television to "getting gummy with it" in the virtual world!  I would often try to justify my faltering to temptation with more writing but in the end, writing became harder and harder to focus on.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

"Rare Orchid" - NaNoWriMo - Novel

Years ago when NaNoWriMo first established itself I thought I would like to join and write a book.  My major fear that held me back was my ability to never finish things on time.  Now that I am older, but not much wiser, I decided, "To hell with it! If I don't try, then I will never know!"

So far, I am not disappointed.  I have fully committed myself to writing and as a result I am slowly learning how to master my craft.  With my story, "Rare Orchid", I have learned new ways to phrase words.  Grant you, my sentences are still far from perfect but at this point I am just glad to be writing.  I never would have thought that I would be given this wonderful opportunity to write a full-fledged book within a month.  I always thought of myself as too busy.  Sometimes after coming home from a long shift at work, I would be too tired to do anything.  I usually saved all my writing for the bus ride to and from work.

This year, I decided to take my journal of ideas and turn one of the stories into an actual novel.  And so, "Rare Orchid" was born.  I can only hope that with this story a new path will open for me.  So, for those of you who wish to read the ideas unfolding day by day follow this link,, and do not be afraid to send me a few words of encouragement or some critical comments.  In my opinion, all feedback is good feedback if it will help me improve.

Friday, November 1, 2013

It Begins!

It is early Friday morning....well...early enough, actually it is about 9AM.  Okay, so it is a normal Friday morning where I wake up feeling like a zombie going for my coffee, and mistake it to be ridiculously early.  Today is also the first day of NaNoWriMo and thank you to all of my supporters!

I have a good start and I am feeling quite pumped, either that or it is the coffee starting to take effect.  My word goal today is going to be 1,700 - 2,000.  If I shoot past my goals then I will be set for the rest of the challenge!  I am going to be writing my story with Leanpub so it should be available for viewing as I write it.  Tell me your thoughts and ideas, if you like it or would prefer to see something else happen and I will do my best to incorporate it my writing.  My main goal is to write a story that people can relate too.

Wish me luck! Let the writing commence!

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