Gummy Counter

Friday, May 30, 2014


Horror games do a really good job of really creeping me out!

DreadOut is no exception...

When I first started to play this game it opened with some "Lady in Red" chanting the creepy tune, "Lingsir Wengi". I had to do some research to find out what that meant and apparently it is some sort of chant to summon a ghost called Kuntilanak. The Lady then moves closer to the screen and suddenly we are transported to real time with our protagonist and her fellow students and teacher.

We don't really know too much about the other people other than their names and personalities. 

Ms. Siska: the teacher of the group of students who manages to get lost. She swears she followed her GPS correctly, however, they are lost near an abandoned town.

Linda MelindaThe main character of "DreadOut" who ends up following everyone to a school where most of "Act 1" takes place. When suddenly everyone becomes trapped in, Linda is left all alone to explore and figure out how to get back to the real world!

Shakira Irawat: Also known as Ira, and is Linda's best friend sine childhood. She seems different than everyone and tends to be withdrawn from the group of students. Only on rare occasions does she cut in to interrupt a "hostile" conversation. However, something strange happens to her when they reach the school as she appears to be possessed. 

Shelly Angelia: She's very much like the rich "good" girl of the group. Yayaan refers to her as the perky one and teases her about if she die then he would be happy to be haunted by her.

Doni Maulana: Would make a good explorer as he is adventurous and always wanting to check things out. He leads the group towards the abandoned school.

YayaanThe "know-it-all" is someone who would always try to figure things out first. When in the school, he disappears and everyone goes looking for him, that's when everything goes wrong.

When it comes to video games I am a firm believer in giving any game a shot because you just never know when you might find a gem. DreadOut surprised me. My initial thought was how cheesy the dialogue was, and the graphics were okay, but I did keep in mind that it was a indie game. But despite all of its faults, the game play drastically improved as we got to the school. The eerie music started to seep into my bones and suddenly I found myself shaking with adrenaline. It may have similarities to other games, but I really did see the story in this one.

I am now only wondering how the town got this way, and are any of the others still alive? How will it end? Will there be the infamous cliffhangers that most survivor horrors leave behind or will there be a "happy" ending?

Whatever happens, whenever all of the "Acts" are finally released, I am pumped and ready to play them all! It's safe to say, even with it's slow start, that DreadOut is Gummy Approved! DreadOut can be found on Steam.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gummy Plays: "DreadOut"

Enjoy my screw ups and screams as I play as a girl named Linda who gets trapped in an abandoned school. I went in with an open mind and my first impressions from the beginning went from weak to good. It's not a high graphic game but it does entertain...once you get to the school, that is....

As always, thank you for watching, and enjoy! :3

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Minecraft Playlist

This game is so easy to spend many hours in and yet there isn't much of a soundtrack. You could just build a jukebox and play "Cat" repeatedly until you tire of it but it's way more fun looking up Minecraft parodies!

Some Minecraft parodies that I would include in my playlist would be:

  • Pixelmon by Lachlan
    • based on the first season of the Pokemon theme song 
  • I'm a Noob by CaptainLazerGuns
    • most players probably started playing Minecraft with a dirt house!
  • You Thought I Used XRAY by ZexyZek
    • getting banned is tough especially when the person who banned was considered a friend.
  • Wrecking Mob by CavemanFilms
    • damn those creepers! They ruin everything!
  • How Do I Craft This Again by TheYogscast
    • this is me whenever I play Minecraft
  • Promise by ZexyZek
    • a block style love story!
  • Cube Land by Slamacow
    • a heroic tale between Steve and his best friend Piggy. Song written by Laura Shigihara the composer of Plants vs Zombies!!!! <3
  • Fallen Kingdon by CaptainSparklez
    • a king roams his kingdom and reminisces of when everything was good, up until a mob comes an destroys everything including his family.
  • Take Back the Night by CaptainSparklez
    • the sequel to "Fallen Kingdom" where the King's son survives but is taken by some villagers. He grows up training with a master of "kicking butt" and eventually falls upon his destiny to save his kingdom. 
  • Running Out of Time by ZexyZek
    • a young man is surrounded by a mob of zombies, and he thinks about his past as the zombies get closer to finishing him off!
  • Don't Mine At Night by BebopVox
    • a warning about the dangers of mining at night. Zombies, Creepers, and Skeletons, oh my!

These are just the few of the many spectacular renditions of popular songs that can help you in your quest to build the next best castle, or dig your way to finding more irresistible diamonds! Even when you take on the Ender Dragon it can help to have some epic Minecraft parody playing in the background!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Left 4 Dead Arcade?

Left 4 Dead moves to Tokyo, Japan!

Cool! ...I suppose....

When I first played the game it was through the Xbox. The very idea of a 4 person co-op was great so when my brother first handed me the controller and told me to play it, I was all for it. This game marks the beginning of my online game play. Now, it's quite a few years later since its original release and Valve collaborates with Taito, to make an arcade friendly version of the game.

It's more like a redesign of the game where the characters are changed including added voice acting. Zombies even reflect more of the Japanese culture but the campaigns are pretty much the same. For the small price of approximately 3$ per 15 minutes of game play, you could have the chance to be one of the four characters: A Japanese university student, a Japanese schoolgirl, an American bartender, and a Japanese/American tour guide.

Still, I'm not disappointed to see L4D cross the ocean and venture into Tokyo arcades, it's definitely something I would at least try. So, looks like I will have to brush up on my Japanese language skills! 

That's it and that's all, at least for now! Ja mata ne! xD

Friday, May 23, 2014

Gummy Super Mario World

Who can resist this old school game? I attempted to bring back the memories and clearly mine was a little dusty! This is one of my most favorite games in the whole wide world where I spent oodles of hours was definitely hard to get me to stop playing it! ;D

The Legend of Dragoon

There are few games from when I was growing up that I wished they would remake, I mean especially with what they could accomplish with current technology.

Better game play, graphics, and sound! So when I was thinking back, one game that I really enjoyed and would love to see as a remake or even just revamp the story a bit would be, "The Legend of Dragoon".

The story was good enough, you play a young man named Dart who returns to a destroyed home and his childhood friend taken. He then embarks on a rescue mission to save his friend, Shana (who happens to harbor some sort of emotional feeling towards Dart).  Along the way, you encounter some cool people who eventually join you to take on the evil forces of the world! 

Apart from the interesting characters the world is worth more exploration than the game permits which is kind of a let down. The one thing I dislike about games is seeing something interesting in the distance and then not being able to check it out! Another let down of the game was the horrible and cheesy voice dubbing! The actors literally just read their lines and didn't even attempt to match the moving lips of the characters. It was like a stereotypical old foreign film dubbed in English. BUT, I did really enjoy the story line, and even the music.

I would be more than happy to see a remake of the game or even just a brand new story all together. There was definitely some good material to make an epic RPG! "The Legend of Dragoon" is Gummy Approved for sure, ah, the good old days!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Bloons TD5

When it comes to just passing the time and you don't feel like playing anything too serious, then try a flash game! One in particular is definitely worth a try and that's Bloon's TD5 which can be found on the Ninja Kiwi site. This simple yet time consuming and addictive game is easy to play but still offers the challenges that addicted gamers are used to!

Enjoy, the video (I tried to make it a short as possible but it still ended up at 18 minutes!!) Let me know what you think! :D

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Morning Ritual

The fuel of the morning is becoming too hot to drink...

Yet, I am too stubborn to try it cold!

Whenever I wake up in the morning, I stagger towards the coffee machine and put on a pot of coffee. I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee, just the bold scent alone is enough to stir my brain mechanisms. As I wait for the coffee to be ready, I turn on my ancient computer and the fans immediately start to whir a loud hum (much like my brain pre-caffeinated)

"It's time to work..." I groggily say to myself. It has become a morning ritual. Everyday, the same thing. "Coffee. Check. Computer. Check. Brain. Still pending. Coffee. Oh right!" I then move my way back to the kitchen and pour a cup of coffee, put in one spoon of sugar and a splash of milk, and then follow my feet back to my computer. It has finally loaded up fully and the first thing I do is procrastinate!

"Work can wait until the coffee has kicked in, " I think and I begin logging into Facebook. Sometimes I will play a game, sometimes I will watch a video, and sometimes I will master another status update. Finally, my brain seems to function a little better and I test out my motor skills in a video game. I always blame the lack of adequate coffee for my failures! he he

When all is fine and dandy, I finally get to work. "Okay! Let's write!" But half of the time I end of up sitting in front of a blank screen. Clearly, my brain is still waking up. "I can't believe my brain is slower than my computer at times!"

Then out of no where, a thought strikes me and writing comes naturally. The ideas flow until they seem to fall from a never ending fountain of ideas. Some ideas I keep and others I write down on a notepad or post it to a sticky note. Whatever ideas I don't include one day, they will appear on another day following the same morning routine.

When to coffee runs out, and my brain is fully buzzed on the nectar drug caffeine, I am ready to take on the day. Bring on the creativity, in any shape or form! I'm ready!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Sims

After starting my blog, I am surprised that I haven't even written about Sims yet...

The Sims happen to be one of my passions and yet they go unnoticed in my mentions.

When I was in high school eons ago I became aware of this game through a friend. I would remember her telling me on the bus on how she stayed up very late playing Sims. At this point in my life, I was only playing PlayStation 2 games so I guess, now that I think about it, Sims was my first PC game!! Wow... he he. Anyway, after obtaining my first copy of the original game it wasn't long after that that I began purchasing expansion packs. To me, it didn't matter that the expansion packs would almost equal the price of another game because I was more interested in trying new actions or adventures. Then, once I managed to get about half of the expansions, EA introduced The Sims 2. 

"OMG!!!" I would exclaim and I passed on the first game to my siblings.  Soon, I was immersed in Sims 2 causing all sorts of mischief. It really wasn't until The Sims 3 that I wanted a better PC and eventually we finally got the internet. Slowly, my family was moving out of the Stone Age! Yes! I thought, I can finally customize my game!

And that's exactly what I did. I found the sites where people were adding custom content. I created stories and even tried to film them. And then, I even attempted to build my own homes and upload them so other people could enjoy them. Sims was the life for me! ^^

Now, it's years later and I am eagerly awaiting for The Sims 4! I think in celebration, I will upgrade my computer too! I've always wanted to because just a few months ago I became horribly depressed to see that my graphics card is now in the minimum requirements on recent PC games.

Aw well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. So, that's it, that's all at least for now! The Sims will always be Gummy Approved!

Friday, May 16, 2014

L4D2 Death Toll Part 4

The finale!!! YAY! About time....Well, this is the end of the series....Remainderdude, Bakuman, and moi finally get the chance to prove that we got what it takes to survive, or do we?? Hmm, sit back and enjoy our struggles and thanks for watching! :D

Playing L4D2 Death Toll on Expert. Be sure to watch the proceeding videos: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

L4D2 Death Toll Part 3

Barely making it to the chapel in one piece, everyone is glad to keep fighting forward. Be sure to watch Part 1 and Part 2!

Starring Remeepsalot, Baku, and yours truly! 

Playing L4D2 Death Toll on Expert

L4D2 Death Toll Part 2

Alright! Finally part 2 is out to view on YouTube!!! Enjoy our interesting conversations, teasing, and screaming as we fight our way through hoards of zombies and battle a tank!!

Staring Remaindermeeps, Baku, and moi!

Playing L4D2 Death Toll campaign on Expert and be sure to watch the first video!!

Thank you for watching!! ^^

Thursday, May 15, 2014


As I reach over a thousand page views on my blog I just want to extend a word of gratitude to those who have been reading my posts. It means so much to see that this corner that normally people would dismiss are actually looking this way. 

Even when I struggle to come up with ideas I always remember that there are at least a few awesome readers and viewers looking to see what I have to say next. Though I am introverted, and awkward, my thoughts are better explained through writing. So thank you to everyone who has been keeping up with me!

I am really looking forward to growing my creativity with the new ideas I have for upcoming blog posts! One that I will be executing very shortly will be the Gummy Logs. Basically, I will be recreating myself as a character throughout the various worlds in video games! I've always wondered what it might be like to live in certain worlds like Fable, or Mirror's Edge, or even Tomb Raider.

Thank you again for your support and encouragement and if you want you may follow me via Twitter, or YouTube!

L4D2 Death Toll Part 1

I originally had planned on putting all four parts here, but my computer is being so agonizingly slow today...must be the heat....lazy computer... Well, anyway, here's the first bit!

Starring: Remainderman, Baku, and myself (Gummy)

The map is Death Toll on Expert in Left 4 Dead 2

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Facebook Games

When it comes to video games I am willing to try them all as long as it calls my name...

Hmm...if it calls my name three times in a row then it's starting to sound like Beetlejuice...Come on games! Release the Gummy Bear!!! he he he! >:D

Ha ha, well, that aside, there are times when I do get the urge to play a social game...yay Facebook games!! 

So, here's my track record....sigh....I have no life! ha ha!

There are quite a few games to choose from, they are mostly designed to just pass the time and most importantly, to get you to spend your money (the real stuff)!  I mean, half of the time, you are waiting for energy bars to fill so that you can continue to play. If you want to spend more time in the game or to unlock something in specific, you can hand some real coin over, but it's pricey!  

Some games that managed to keep my interests longer than the first try are as follows:

1. Marvel: Avengers Alliance

  • I started to play this game sometime after The Avengers movie came out in theaters
  • It's simple enough and I excelled to the point where I kicked some serious ass in PvP!
  • My glory moment was when I unlocked Ghost Rider...after that, I disappeared from the Marvel world for a bit...
  • I do remember that I consumed a lot of shawarma, mmmmm!  

2. Happy Aquarium

  • Probably my first FB game
  • It's all about taking care of fish! I have had a few in the past (always bettas)
  • This is one game where you can forget about the fish for weeks or months and your fish will never die!
  • The major downfall of this game was that after awhile, there was a constant lag on my computer...maybe it was my internet but because of the slow loading I got tired of it rather quickly

3. Marketland

  • Basically, you are the owner of a grocery store which slowly turns into a department store.
  • I kind of got bored after being the only playing...some rewards I couldn't even go after because I didn't have enough FB buddies playing...sad sad...oh well, I'm over it!

Well, Facebook games can be fun and maybe even addictive at times, but overall, they eventually loose my interest. I like them but only occasionally. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The First Wave in Palantir (Dungeon Defenders)

The Final Fantasy Influence

Looking back into my preteen age years...

My ultimate favorite and first RPG ever was Final Fantasy VIII!

This game started me on the path of "serious" gaming! I remember the day clearly of when I first opened my gift wrapped game and felt the hard edges of the game case. At first, I didn't know what to think, but it was Christmas day and we had just got a brand new Playstation! When I saw the cover, nothing struck me as familiar, but I put the game into the console and began to play it.  After that, it was hard to get me off the game!!

The whole idea of having an interactive story was absolutely mind blowing and this would probably mark the beginning my of creativity. I may have had many career ideas but when it came to my passions, it was always in creating stories. 

Even though Final Fantasy VIII wasn't considered the best of the series, for me, this one will always be my favorite. I enjoyed the story, the idea of flying mercenary schools, the use of special magic abilities, and the graphics.  I think all in all, the graphics were what brought me into the RPG era.

After Final Fantasy VIII, a string of RPG's followed and I became known as the Playstation hog and soon, my world in video games evolved! Final Fantasy is Gummy Approved!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Parasite Eve

One of my most favorite games from my teenage years was Parasite Eve...

It was my second RPG ever!

When you first plop the game into the Playstation console it begins by playing a trailer of the game with a song that I came to love. There were times I would just let the video play over and over again just to hear it! The overall genre of the game is supposed to be horror, however, I never felt like I was scared out of wits until the very end! Even then, it was more of a thrill than anything.

The story of the game is based on the premise of how mitochondria came to invade our cells and never left. It later becomes apparent that the mitochondria has an agenda to create a special being. Of course, our heroine (Aya Brea, a NYPD detective with special abilities of her, due to the awakening of the mitochondria within her cells) is against the idea and seeks to destroy it.

When I played this game, I enjoyed seeing how these tiny little power houses within our bodies took control of their environment and created mutated creatures, such as, overgrown rats with their skin ripped. The overall game flow is steady and I was eager to finish the game. 

Every game has it's cons and Parasite Eve isn't free of them. One thing that bothered me the most was the leveling up system. Whenever I leveled up, the experience would count down until it was entirely added to the character. Doesn't sound too bad for the first part of the game when all of the monsters were of fairly low level, but when you came across a boss....that's where I remember losing hours waiting for the counter to reach zero. If only it could be skipped! Other than that, there weren't any real major flaws...the character would look like she was moon walking all of the time, but it was mostly comical than a deal breaker!

Parasite Eve will always hold a tender place in my gaming heart. It was one game that inspired me to write stories of my own. So, all in all, Parasite Eve is Gummy Approved!

Friday, May 9, 2014

L4D2 Sacrifice Headshot Mutation Finale

Playing around in Left 4 Dead 2 yet again! Only this time we decided to try the mutation "Head Shot!". I don't normally just film the finale, this time I had planned on showing the entire campaign....only, I forgot to open my recording program!!! So, here it is, enjoy, and thank you for watching! :D

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Max Payne 3

Haunted by his past, a troubled Max Payne tries to start over with a new job working alongside Raul Passos, a police academy classmate, protecting a wealthy family, the Branco's, in South America.


When things go wrong at a private party, Fabiana (Rodrigo's young trophy wife) is almost kidnapped, however, even after saving her, a little while later we are on bodyguard duty yet again. She, her sister Giovanna, and brother in law Marcelo, go to a club to celebrate life when yet another attack takes place.

After the club attack  you are forced to chase after and protect Giovanna and find Fabiana. -RTPics
And so begins the non stop action starting from the moment you take control of the character up until the very epic end. 

This is by far one of the most enjoyable, and intense games I've seen so far. It's constantly moving forward uncovering mere snippets of dramatic dialogue and story! That's not a bad thing because I find myself more interested to learn WTFudge is going on!!!


Bullets are flying everywhere, pills are being consumed way too fast, and enemies disappear and reappear randomly. This game is intense, especially when you've got an awesome soundtrack monitoring your every move. It intensifies with the game, so if the game is'll hear just a regular beat, but I guarantee you that it won't last for long.

I am overall impressed with the graphics of the game. The character expressions are as close as they get to real and the movement is a gigantic improvement from previous games. Gone are the days when character arms are flying out of there sockets! I am even more pleased that they kept the original actor. Nothing is more upsetting when they change out an somehow ruins the mood of the story, in my opinion.


This game is definitely a one that I would play repeatedly without getting tired of it. Max Payne 3 is Gummy Approved! I eagerly await to see what RockStar will do next! ;D

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

GT Academy

Sometimes I stand on the balcony off the side of my small apartment and forget that I now live in Montreal.

I look at the tall buildings, the Olympic Stadium, and the cars whizzing by on the nearby highway, and suddenly I am reminded of the reality I now live.

When I live my life, I am surrounded by four walls, a computer, and cell phone. Rarely do I step outside as I tap away on my keyboard forming words on the dotted screen in front of me, but today, the sun is shinning brightly and I dare step outside for a little inspiration.  

A little while ago, I came across an article (that's now lost somewhere on the vast internet) writing about how young gamers can follow there dreams to become a professional race car driver. Two great company's took video games to a whole new level and introduced a highly competitive online competition to find the best of the best of digital racers. Those companies were the developers of Gran Turismo and Nissan. After completing the first round of qualifiers a few competitors compete within Gran Turismo and top qualifiers then invited to National Finals. After passing this, they proceed to Race Camp which is held in the UK at Silverstone. Then finally, the final winner proceeds to enter an intensive Driver Development Program created by Nissan, and thus is the path to being a professional race car driver.

The GT Academy was founded in 2008 and is a collaborative event between Gran Turismo and Nissan.

If I had known this sooner then maybe I could have been a race car driver by now!!! ha ha! 

So, as I sit out on the balcony and stare at the cars and trucks moving forward to there destinations I wonder, "Do any of them wish to be race car drivers?" Apparently there is a race track here in Montreal, which is pretty cool, and someday I hope to catch a race! Maybe they'll have the opportunity to sit in the cars like they did when I lived up north! Oh that would be cool!

Anyways, if your a gamer and wish to be a professional race car driver, don't give up on your dream. All you need to do is participate in one the qualifiers but make sure you practice your digital driving skills in Gran Turismo first! And bonne chance!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Gran Turismo

If I'm thinking back in the day then this is one game that really encouraged me to like cars!

Gran Turismo was one the first racing games that I took seriously, but no one took it more seriously than my father...

There were times that I would come home from working a late shift, and see my dad on the PlayStation dozing off in game with a rum and coke on the side table! "Don't drink and drive, " I would casually joke as I poked the grizzling bear awake. He would suddenly jolt with a loud snoring gruff, dazed and confused and then mumbling, "What? I wasn't sleeping!".

Even though times have changed and those days of walking in on dad sleeping on another long race, I will always remember the Gran Turismo game series fondly. Nothing gave me great pleasure than finishing an extremely hard and yet exhilarating race with one fast and cool looking car! Dad would always say that it was as close to the real thing as he was going to get, and it also felt nice to share a game with him. Even if I didn't understand the workings of a car then, and even now, my knowledge is still limited. I still appreciate the game and I definitely have a higher appreciation for the racing mechanisms that was portrayed in the game itself.

I know that I will probably never be a professional race car driver but at least I got the opportunity to have a feeling of what it must be like even if it was in the digital world. Each day we live our lives and wonder what it would have been like if we had walked down a certain path, or made a different decision.

What if I actually followed my dreams to become a film maker? What if I stopped everything, took what ever little money I had and just explored the world in all of its beauty?

In video games, I have only seen beauty through a pixelated world with hard edges that I can't even touch. But, it doesn't mean that I will never be able to experience the world. I am still young after all. We all are at heart.

If you have a dream, go for it. If it doesn't work out, don't give up. If you are at your wits end, then stop, breathe, and try again. Sometimes we just need a wake up call or a step back to see the bigger picture of our lives. The only real enemy in our lives is ourselves.

Racing in a game with my dad was just the beginning of my dreams. Dreams are the root of who we aspire to be, and for me, I dreamed of one day driving my very own Dodge Viper, or Lamborghini, even if it was just to be in the very presence of them, then I have found a brief bit of happiness! VROOooom! 

Having said all of that, it sure is tempting to play a little Gran Turismo just for memories sake! That's it that's at least for now, Gran Turismo is Gummy Approved!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Video Game Flashback: Super Nintendo Games

Hey! Do you remember that console called the Super Nintendo?

It may be going back a decade or so...but it existed and most importantly, it was super fun! 

There were quite a few games that impacted my gaming life and here are some to name a few (not in any particular order):

  • F-Zero (My first racing game!!)
  • Donkey Kong Country (all the Donkey Kong's were fun, and if I had to choose, the 2nd was my favorite)
  • Super Mario World (This is a classic in my books~ Yoshi poops out eggs which hatch to be baby Yoshi's!!)
  • Earthworm Jim (I'm not a fan of worms...but I didn't my this worm in a space suit!)
  • Mortal Kombat (FATALITY!)
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (this one always makes me hungry for anchovies please)
  • Out to Lunch (nothing like chasing after cute looking food as a chef!)
  • Fatal Fury (Arcade fighting games were the best)
  • Street Fighter (See comment above, lol)

All of these games, and probably more that I can't seem think of off the top of my head, provided hours (I would even dare say years!) of digital fun. The graphics weren't all that great, the stories were meh but sometimes awesome, and the sounds were low quality, but besides all of that, they were addictive! Perhaps it was some clever brainwashing scheme that tried to encourage low grades and procrastination, and lots of button mashing, but it was definitely all worth it when I see how far the gaming industry has come!!

Who knows what the future will bring. I'm kind of hoping to participate is some virtual reality...especially in a game like Mirror's Edge! Oh! That game gives vertigo!

Anyway...that's it and that's all, at least for now! Super Nintendo is Gummy Approved!!! WEEEEE!

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