Gummy Counter

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Another Gummy Update - PlayStation Gaming

Well, you might have noticed my absence and due to illness and lack of a computer I'm actually writing this blog straight from my phone. And, that was a total run on sentence but who's really checking? Hehe

So apart from the recent bad luck, my goals for the new year still involve a series of gaming.  Once, of course, I get my computer fixed or replaced, why does everything cost so much? For now, I've been playing the PS3 and visiting memory lane with Legend of the Dragoons and Final Fantasy VIII. I wanted to play Shadow Hearts too but I couldn't find it....sadness. At least, thanks to my significant other, I have had the opportunity to play on his monster pc for some more hardcore retro gaming. That's right, Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country. Despite everything, I've been feeling really reminiscent and old. Ha! I guess that's what happens when you've grown up during the 90's.

In Legend of the Dragoons I've just made it to Hellena Prison where I am supposed to rescue miss Shana, I could really care less for her character as I remember disliking her many eons ago when I first played the game. I guess I just find her weak for a love interest.  The only thing going for her is her ability to act pretty and being a childhood friend to Dart, the main character.  I can't wait to meet up with Rose and Miranda though. Growing up, I looked up to Rose and her badassness. If you have no idea what I'm talking about be sure to check out the  PlayStation store and look up the game. It's not only a fun game to play but the story line is pretty epic. It's a PSOne Classic and one worth playing. 

Well that's it and that's all, at least for now.  I can't wait to continue my adventures in finding dragons and becoming super powerful,  just like in the good old days...I can't believe I just said that... I'm so old, I'm like cheese, I can only get better with age. Hehehe I'm such a nerd....

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