Gummy Counter

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Morning Ritual

The fuel of the morning is becoming too hot to drink...

Yet, I am too stubborn to try it cold!

Whenever I wake up in the morning, I stagger towards the coffee machine and put on a pot of coffee. I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee, just the bold scent alone is enough to stir my brain mechanisms. As I wait for the coffee to be ready, I turn on my ancient computer and the fans immediately start to whir a loud hum (much like my brain pre-caffeinated)

"It's time to work..." I groggily say to myself. It has become a morning ritual. Everyday, the same thing. "Coffee. Check. Computer. Check. Brain. Still pending. Coffee. Oh right!" I then move my way back to the kitchen and pour a cup of coffee, put in one spoon of sugar and a splash of milk, and then follow my feet back to my computer. It has finally loaded up fully and the first thing I do is procrastinate!

"Work can wait until the coffee has kicked in, " I think and I begin logging into Facebook. Sometimes I will play a game, sometimes I will watch a video, and sometimes I will master another status update. Finally, my brain seems to function a little better and I test out my motor skills in a video game. I always blame the lack of adequate coffee for my failures! he he

When all is fine and dandy, I finally get to work. "Okay! Let's write!" But half of the time I end of up sitting in front of a blank screen. Clearly, my brain is still waking up. "I can't believe my brain is slower than my computer at times!"

Then out of no where, a thought strikes me and writing comes naturally. The ideas flow until they seem to fall from a never ending fountain of ideas. Some ideas I keep and others I write down on a notepad or post it to a sticky note. Whatever ideas I don't include one day, they will appear on another day following the same morning routine.

When to coffee runs out, and my brain is fully buzzed on the nectar drug caffeine, I am ready to take on the day. Bring on the creativity, in any shape or form! I'm ready!

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