Gummy Counter

Friday, May 30, 2014


Horror games do a really good job of really creeping me out!

DreadOut is no exception...

When I first started to play this game it opened with some "Lady in Red" chanting the creepy tune, "Lingsir Wengi". I had to do some research to find out what that meant and apparently it is some sort of chant to summon a ghost called Kuntilanak. The Lady then moves closer to the screen and suddenly we are transported to real time with our protagonist and her fellow students and teacher.

We don't really know too much about the other people other than their names and personalities. 

Ms. Siska: the teacher of the group of students who manages to get lost. She swears she followed her GPS correctly, however, they are lost near an abandoned town.

Linda MelindaThe main character of "DreadOut" who ends up following everyone to a school where most of "Act 1" takes place. When suddenly everyone becomes trapped in, Linda is left all alone to explore and figure out how to get back to the real world!

Shakira Irawat: Also known as Ira, and is Linda's best friend sine childhood. She seems different than everyone and tends to be withdrawn from the group of students. Only on rare occasions does she cut in to interrupt a "hostile" conversation. However, something strange happens to her when they reach the school as she appears to be possessed. 

Shelly Angelia: She's very much like the rich "good" girl of the group. Yayaan refers to her as the perky one and teases her about if she die then he would be happy to be haunted by her.

Doni Maulana: Would make a good explorer as he is adventurous and always wanting to check things out. He leads the group towards the abandoned school.

YayaanThe "know-it-all" is someone who would always try to figure things out first. When in the school, he disappears and everyone goes looking for him, that's when everything goes wrong.

When it comes to video games I am a firm believer in giving any game a shot because you just never know when you might find a gem. DreadOut surprised me. My initial thought was how cheesy the dialogue was, and the graphics were okay, but I did keep in mind that it was a indie game. But despite all of its faults, the game play drastically improved as we got to the school. The eerie music started to seep into my bones and suddenly I found myself shaking with adrenaline. It may have similarities to other games, but I really did see the story in this one.

I am now only wondering how the town got this way, and are any of the others still alive? How will it end? Will there be the infamous cliffhangers that most survivor horrors leave behind or will there be a "happy" ending?

Whatever happens, whenever all of the "Acts" are finally released, I am pumped and ready to play them all! It's safe to say, even with it's slow start, that DreadOut is Gummy Approved! DreadOut can be found on Steam.

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